Figur retorical
Un figur retorical es un parola o un frase cual devia de la lingua leteral e direta. A multe veses, figures retorical es usada per sua asentua, espresa fresca, o claria. Ma claria pote ance es un vitim de la usa de figures retorical.
editaFigures retorical es divida en un numero de categoris. La plu de figures veni de sentenios de comentas filolojial supra testos vea, e donce los es clamada con nomes elinica o latina.
En la ueste, la figures retorical es divida en du categorias xef: scemas e motifes. Scemas (de la parola elinica schēma per forma) es figures retorical cual devia de la model normal de parolas o espetada. Per esemplo, la frase "John, me ami la plu bon" usa la scema aposa (apposition). Motifes involve cambia o altera la sinifia jeneral de un terma. Un esemplo de un motif es la usa de ironia ce es la usa de un parola en un moda serta cual oposa sua sinifia normal. Per esemplo, la frase "Bruto es un om onorable / Mesma, tota los es, omes onorable".
On pote sudivide la figures en multe sucategorias, ma per la simpli, esta article a su divide la figures retorical en sola scemes e motifes.
- Rima
- Rima inisial
- Ordina de parolas
- Culmine
- Contraculmine
- Sinifia de parolas
- Un tra du
- Un tra tre
- Slogan tra tre
- Sinonimia
- Repete de parolas
- Redupli
- Repete inisial
- Interompe gramatical
- Sin completi
- Anastrofe
editaelefen | engles | esplica |
... | accumulation | Summarization of previous arguments in a forceful manner |
rima inisial* | alliteration | Un seguente de parolas ce comensa con la mesma letera "La corpse de la cantor cadeda ia es covreda con carton e cortina" |
sin completi* | anacoluthon | La gramatica es cambiada entra la frase an (non) akoloutos (segue) |
redupli* | anadiplosis | ana (...) diplosis (dupli) Un parola a la fini de un frase es repeteda a la comensa de un otra |
repete inisial* | anaphora | anafora (me repete) de elinica Un parola a la comensa de un frase es repeteda a la comensa de la frases seguente |
anastrofe* | anastrophe | ana (...) e strofe (me move) de elinica Inversa la ordre normal de parolas. |
anticlimax* o contraculmine* | anticlimax | La ordre de parolas es de importantia diminuinte "El ia es perfeta, si la eratas es ometeda. El ia es bon. A min, plu bon ce no cosa." |
repete inversada* | antimetabole | Parolas es repeteda en frases seguente, en ordre inversada "Me sabe ce me gusta, e me gusta ce me sabe." |
antistrofe* | antistrophe | anti (contra) e strofe (me move) de elinica La repete de la mesma parola o frase a la fini de frases seguente |
oposa* o antitese* | antithesis | La junta de ideas oposada o differente "Omes joven, escuta a un om vea a ci omes vea ia escuta felis cuando los ia es joven." (Augusto) |
silenti* | aposaopesis | aposaopesis (silenti) Para o pausa la parla per crea un resulta dramos o emosial |
diverje* o apostrofe* | apostrophe | apo (de esta loca) strofe (me move, me torna)
Diverje la atende de la escutores a un consetia personida (presente o no) |
aposa* | apposition | Loca du elementes lado a lado, en ce la elemente du defini la prima "Me plu bon ami" o "Me sposa, curor, garda me sana..." |
asona* | assonance | a (a, con) sonance (sona) La repete de vocales |
sin juntas* | asyndeton | a (sin) syn (junta) deton (parola) Omete de juntas (e, o, ma, donce, pos ce, etc) entre frases |
ruido | cacophony | cacos (mal) phony (sona) La junta de parolas produinte sonas dur |
... | chiasmus | Reversal of grammatical structures in successive clauses |
climax* o culmine* | climax | Parolas en ordre de importantia aumente vide ance: anticlimax |
inserta entra parola | dystmesis | vide: tmesis |
omete* | ellipsis | Omete de parolas |
... | enallage | La substitui de formas ce difere gramatical ma sinifia mesma
... | enthymeme | Informal method of presenting a syllogism |
... | epanalepsis | Repetition of a word at the beginning and end of a clause |
epistrofe* | epistrophe | The counterpart of anaphora |
un tra du* | hendiadys | hen (un) dia (tra) dys (du) de elinica. La usa de du nomes per espresa un idea en ce la strutur normal ta es un nom e un ajetivo. |
un tra tre* | hendiatris | hen (un) dia (tra) tris (tre) de elinica. La usa de tre nomes per espresa un idea. |
... | hypallage | Changing the order of words so that they are associated with words normally associated with others |
... | hyperbaton | Schemes featuring unusual or inverted word order |
... | isocolon | Use of parallel structures of the same length in successive clauses |
inversa | inversion | in (entra) versa (versa) ion (fa o fada) de latina. Vide sinonim: anastrofe |
rima interna | internal rhyme | Usa de du o plu parolas rimante en la mesma frase |
... | kenning | A metonymic compound where the terms together form a sort of synechdoche |
... | parallelism | The use of similar structures in two or more clauses |
... | paraprosdokian | Unexpected ending or truncation of a clause |
parentese* | parenthesis | Inserta parolas do el interompe la flue natural de la frase |
... | parrhesia | Speaking openly or boldly, or apologising for doing so (declaring to do so). |
... | perissologia | The fault of wordiness |
... | pleonasm | Usa parolas plu ce nesesa |
... | polyptoton | Repetition of words derived from the same root |
multe juntas* | polysyndeton | poly (multe) syn (junta) deton (parola) Repetition of conjunctions |
... | pun | Un parola es usada per du sinifias diferente |
... | synchysis | Interlocked word order |
... | synesis | An agreement of words according to the sense, and not the grammatical form |
sinonimia | synonymia | La usa de du o plu sinonimes en la mesma frase |
... | tautology | Usa parolas cualiante plu ce nesesa. Dise la mesma en du veses |
inserta | tmesis | tmesis (un divide) Inserta un parola entra un otra parola ce es divideda en du partes |
slogan tra tre* | tripartite motto | Un slogan en forma de un tra tre. "liberia, egalia, frateria" (Revolui Franses) e "pan, peso, pas" (Revolui Rusce) |
editaelefen | engles | esplica |
metafor longa* | allegory | An extended metaphor in which a story is told to illustrate an important attribute of the subject |
... | allusion | An indirect reference to another work of literature or art |
... | anacoenosis | Posing a question to an audience, often with the implication that it shares a common interest with the speaker |
... | antanaclasis | A form of pun in which a word is repeated in two different senses |
... | anthimeria | The substitution of one part of speech for another, often turning a noun into a verb |
antropomorfi* | anthropomorphism | applying human qualities to inanimate objects, animals, or natural phenomena. Sinonim: personi |
... | antiphrasis | A word or words used contradictory to their usual meaning, often with irony |
... | antonomasia | The substitution of a phrase for a proper name or vice versa |
afor* | aphorism | Calling into question the meaning of a term |
... | apophasis | Invoking an idea by denying its invocation |
... | aporia | Deliberating with oneself, often with the use of rhetorical questions |
apostrofe* | apostrophe | Addressing a thing, an abstraction or a person not present |
... | archaism | Use of an obsolete, archaic, word |
... | auxesis | A form of hyperbole , in which a more important sounding word is used in place of a more descriptive term |
metafor miscada* | catachresis | A mixed metaphor (sometimes used by design and sometimes a rhetorical fault) |
... | circumlocution | "Talking around" a topic by substituting or adding words, as in euphemism or periphrasis |
... | denominatio | Another word for metonymy |
... | epanorthosis | Immediate and emphatic self-correction, often following a slip of the tongue . |
... | erotema | Synonym for rhetorical question |
... | euphemism | Substitution of a less offensive or more agreeable term for another |
... | hyperbole | Use of exaggerated terms for emphasis |
ipofor* | hypophora | Answering one's own rhetorical question at length |
... | hysteron proteron | Reversal of anticipated order of events |
... | innuendo | Having a hidden meaning in a sentence that makes sense whether it is detected or not |
ironia | irony | Use of word in a way that conveys a meaning opposite to its usual meaning |
... | litotes | Emphasizing the magnitude of a statement by denying its opposite |
... | malapropism | Using a word through confusion with a word that sounds similar |
... | meiosis | Use of understatement, usually to diminish the importance of something |
... | metalepsis | Referring to something through reference to another thing to which it is remotely related |
metafor | metaphor | An implied comparison of two things |
metonimia* | metonymy | Substitution of a word to suggest what is really meant |
... | onomatopoeia | Words that sound like their meaning |
... | oxymoron | Using two terms together, that normally contradict each other |
metafor longa* | parable | An extended metaphor told as an anecdote to illustrate or teach a moral lesson |
paradox | paradox | Use of apparently contradictory ideas to point out some underlying truth |
... | paralipsis | Drawing attention to something while pretending to pass it over |
... | paronomasia | A form of pun , in which words similar in sound but with different meanings are used |
... | pathetic fallacy | Using a word that refers to a human action on something non-human |
... | periphrasis | Substitution of a word or phrase for a proper name |
personi | personification / prosopopoeia / anthropomorphism | Attributing a personality to some impersonal object |
... | praeteritio | Another word for paralipsis |
... | procatalepsis | Refuting anticipated objections as part of the main argument |
... | prolepsis | Another word for procatalepsis |
... | proslepsis | An extreme form of paralipsis in which the speaker provides great detail while feigning to pass over a topic |
... | rhetorical question | Asking a question as a way of asserting something. Or asking a question not for the sake of getting an answer but for asserting something (or as for in a poem for creating a poetic effect). |
... | simile | An explicit comparison between two things |
... | syllepsis | A form of pun , in which a single word is used to modify two other words, with which it normally would have differing meanings |
... | synecdoche | A form of metonymy , in which a part stands for the whole |
sinestese* | synesthesia | The description of one kind of sense impression by using words that normally describe another. |
... | transferred epithet | The placing of an adjective with what appears to be the incorrect noun |
autoevidente* | truism | a self-evident statement |
... | zeugma | a figure of speech related to syllepsis , but different in that the word used as a modifier is not compatible with one of the two words it modifies |
zomorfi* | zoomorphism | applying animal characteristics to humans or gods. Sinonim: animali* |