Engles Basal
La liste de parolas de engles basal es produida par Charles K. Ogden. El crea lo como un lingua aidante internasional; el crede ce un forma de engles plu simple ta es aprendeda plu fasil per persones ci no parle engles.
Un vicipedia esiste en engles basal: Wikipedia in Simple English.
OPERATIONS - 100 words - OPERAS - 100 parolas
editaEngles | Elefen |
come | veni |
get | prende (take), oteni (obtain), reseta (receive) |
give | dona |
go | vade |
keep | manteni (maintain), garda (guard) |
let | lasa (leave), permete (permit) |
make | fabrica |
put | pone |
seem | pare |
take | prende |
be | es |
do | fa |
have | ave |
say | dise |
see | vide |
send | envia |
may | pote |
will | vole |
about | sirca (a place), sur (a topic) |
across | ultra (beyond), supra (over) |
after | pos |
against | contra |
among | entre |
at | a |
before | ante |
between | entre |
by | par (author/agent), asta (a place) |
down | a su |
from | de |
in | en |
off | de, descomutada (electricity) |
on | sur, comutada (electicity) |
over | supra |
through | tra |
to | a |
under | su |
up | a supra |
with | con |
as | como |
for | per |
of | de |
till | asta |
than | ce |
a | un |
the | la |
all | tota |
any | alga |
every | cada |
little | poca (few, a little), peti (small) |
much | multe |
no | no |
other | otra |
some | alga |
such | tal |
that | acel (there), ce (subjunct) |
this | esta |
I | me |
he | el |
you | tu |
who | ci |
and | e |
because | car |
but | ma |
or | o |
if | si |
though | contra ce |
while | en cuando |
how | como |
when | cuando |
where | do |
why | perce |
again | de nova |
ever | sempre, tota tempo |
far | distante |
forward | a ante |
here | asi |
near | prosima |
now | aora |
out | estra |
still | ancora |
then | donce (therefore), alora |
there | ala |
together | junta, con lunlotra |
well | bon |
almost | cuasi |
enough | bastante, sufisinte |
even | mesma (same), egal (equal) |
not | no |
only | sola |
quite | multe (much), vera (truly) |
so | tan, en esta modo |
very | vera |
tomorrow | doman |
yesterday | ier |
north | norde |
south | sude |
east | este |
west | ueste |
please | per favore |
yes | si |
THINGS - 400 General words - COSAS - 400 parolas jeneral
editaaccount | conta |
act | ata |
addition | soma |
adjustment | ajusta |
advertisement | anunsa |
agreement | acorda |
air | aira |
amount | cuanto |
amusement | diverte |
animal | animal |
answer | responde |
apparatus | aparato |
approval | aproba |
argument | disputa |
art | arte |
attack | ataca |
attempt | atenta |
attention | atende |
attraction | atrae |
authority | autoria |
back | dorso |
balance | balansa |
base | base |
behavior | condui |
belief | creda |
birth | nase |
bit | bitio (computer), broco (horse), peso (piece) |
bite | morde |
blood | sangue |
blow | sofla (air), colpa (hit) |
body | corpo |
brass | laton |
bread | pan |
breath | respira |
brother | frate |
building | construida |
burn | arde |
burst | esplode |
business | negosia (negotiation), comersia (commerce), compania (company) |
butter | bur |
canvas | lona (fabric) |
care | cura (tending), preocupa (concern) |
cause | causa |
chalk | creta |
chance | fortuna, acaso |
change | cambia |
cloth | stofa, tela (piece, sheet) |
coal | carbon |
color | color |
comfort | comforta |
committee | comite |
company | compania (business), acompania (gathering) |
comparison | compare |
competition | compete |
condition | state |
connection | comuta, lia |
control | controla |
cook | cosinor (chef) |
copper | copre |
copy | copia |
cork | corco |
cotton | coton |
cough | tosi |
country | pais (genera), nasion (nation) |
cover | covre |
crack | fesur |
credit | credito |
crime | crime |
crush | crase |
cry | cria (shout), plora (weeping) |
current | corente |
curve | curva |
damage | dana |
danger | danjer |
daughter | fia |
day | dia |
death | mori |
debt | debe |
decision | deside |
degree | grado |
design | desinia |
desire | desira |
destruction | destrui |
detail | detalia |
development | developa |
digestion | dijeri |
direction | dirije |
discovery | descovre |
discussion | discute |
disease | malada |
disgust | desgusta |
distance | distantia |
distribution | distribui |
division | divide (matematical), parte (part) |
doubt | duta |
drink | bevida (beverage), bevi (act of drinking) |
driving | gida |
dust | polvo |
earth | tera |
edge | borda |
education | instrui |
effect | efeta |
end | fini |
error | era |
event | aveni |
example | esemplo |
exchange | intercambia |
existence | esiste |
expansion | crese |
experience | esperia |
expert | esperto |
fact | fato |
fall | cade |
family | familia |
father | padre, papa |
fear | teme |
feeling | senti |
fiction | narada |
field | campo |
fight | combata |
fire | foco |
flame | flama |
flight | vola |
flower | flor |
fold | plia |
food | comeda |
force | fortia |
form | forma |
friend | ami |
front | fronte |
fruit | fruta |
glass | vitro |
gold | oro |
government | governa |
grain | grano |
grass | erba |
grip | teni |
group | grupo |
growth | crese |
guide | gidor (person who guides) |
harbor | porto |
harmony | armonia |
hate | odi |
hearing | oia |
heat | caldia |
help | aida |
history | istoria |
hole | fora |
hope | espera |
hour | ora |
humor | umor |
ice | jelo |
idea | idea |
impulse | impulsa |
increase | aumenta, crese, grandi |
industry | industria |
ink | inca |
insect | inseto |
instrument | strumento |
insurance | securi |
interest | interesa |
invention | inventa |
iron | fero |
jelly | jelatin |
join | junta |
journey | viaja |
judge | judor (person who judges) |
jump | salta |
kick | pedi |
kiss | besa |
knowledge | sabe |
land | tera |
language | lingua |
laugh | rie |
law | lege |
lead | plomo (metal) |
learning | aprende |
leather | cuoro |
letter | letera (of alphabet), nota (note) |
level | nivel |
lift | leva |
light | lus |
limit | limita |
linen | lino |
liquid | licuido |
list | lista |
look | regarda |
loss | perde |
love | ama |
machine | macina |
man | om |
manager | dirijor |
mark | marca |
market | mercato |
mass | masa |
meal | come |
measure | mesura |
meat | carne |
meeting | reuni |
memory | memoria |
metal | metal |
middle | media |
milk | lete |
mind | mente |
mine | mina (excavation), bombeta (small bomb) |
minute | minuto |
mist | nebla |
money | moneta |
month | mense |
morning | matina |
mother | madre, mama |
motion | move |
mountain | montania |
move | move |
music | musica |
name | nom |
nation | nasion |
need | manca (lack), nesesa (essential requirement), desira (desire) |
news | novas |
night | note |
noise | ruido |
note | nota |
number | numero |
observation | oserva |
offer | ofre |
oil | olio |
operation | opera |
opinion | opina |
order | comanda (command), ordina (arrangement) |
organization | organiza |
ornament | decora |
owner | proprior |
page | paje |
pain | dole |
paint | pinta |
paper | paper |
part | parte |
paste | pasta |
payment | paia |
peace | pas |
person | person |
place | loca |
plant | planta |
play | jua (of games), toca (of musical instruments), presenta teatral (theatrical presentation) |
pleasure | plase |
point | punta |
poison | venena |
polish | brilia (act or result of polishing) |
porter | portor |
position | posto |
powder | polvo |
power | potia, corente eletrical |
price | preso |
primi | |
process | prosede |
produce | produi (production), legumes e frutas (groceries) |
profit | profita |
property | propria |
prose | prosa |
protest | protesta |
pull | tira |
punishment | puni |
purpose | intende |
push | presa |
quality | cualia |
question | demanda |
rain | pluve |
range | varia (variety), estende (extent), cadena de montanias (mountain range) |
rate | rapidia (speed), persento (interest rate) |
ray | raio |
reaction | reata |
reading | leje |
reason | razona |
record | arcivo (file), disco (phonograph record) |
regret | regrete |
relation | relata |
religion | relijio |
representative | representor (person who represents) |
request | demanda |
respect | respeta |
rest | resta (pause or remainder), reposa (relaxation) |
reward | recompensa |
rhythm | ritmo |
rice | ris |
river | rio |
road | rua |
roll | paneta (biscuit), rola (tumble) |
room | sala |
rub | frota |
rule | regula |
run | core |
salt | sal |
sand | arena |
scale | scama (on fish or reptile), balansa (machine for weighing) |
science | siensa |
sea | mar |
seat | senteta |
secretary | secretor |
selection | eleje |
self | ego (psychological), se mesma (oneself) |
sense | sensia (ability to sense), sinifia (meaning) |
servant | domestico |
sex | seso |
shade | ombra (shadow), cortina enrolante (window shade) |
shake | scude (shaking) |
shame | vergonia |
shock | xoca |
side | lado |
sign | sinia |
silk | seda |
silver | arjento |
sister | sore |
size | grandia |
sky | sielo |
sleep | dormi |
slip | faldeta, robeta (undergarment), lisca (slide) |
slope | inclina |
smash | crase |
smell | odore |
smile | surie |
smoke | fuma |
sneeze | stornui |
snow | neva |
soap | sapon |
society | sosia |
son | fio |
song | cantada |
sort | spesie (species), tipo (type), organiza |
sound | sona |
soup | sopa |
space | spasio |
stage | stadio (theatre), grado (level), paso (development) |
start | comensa |
statement | declara |
steam | vapor |
steel | aser |
step | paso |
stitch | cose (sewing), punto (single stitch) |
stone | petra |
stop | para |
story | narada (narrative), solo (floor) |
stretch | streti |
structure | strutur |
substance | sustantia |
sugar | zucar |
suggestion | sujeste |
summer | estate |
support | susta (assistance), suporta (structural support) |
surprise | suprenda |
swim | nada |
system | sistem |
talk | parla |
taste | gusta |
tax | imposta |
teaching | instrui |
tendency | tende |
test | proba |
theory | teoria |
thing | cosa |
thought | pensa |
thunder | tona |
time | tempo, ora (time of day), ves (occasion) |
tin | stanio, lata (sheet) |
top | culmine |
touch | toca |
trade | comersia (commerce), intercambia (exchange) |
transport | transporta |
trick | truco |
trouble | turba |
turn | turna, turno (games and sports) |
twist | torse, tuist (dance) |
unit | unia |
use | usa |
value | valua |
verse | poesia |
vessel | vaso |
view | vista |
voice | vose |
walk | pasea |
war | gera |
wash | lava |
waste | peri, dejetada (garbage) |
water | acua |
wave | onda (of water), branda (of hand, hat, etc.) |
wax | sira |
way | via |
weather | clima |
week | semana |
weight | pesia |
wind | venta |
wine | vino |
winter | inverno |
woman | fem |
wood | lenio |
wool | lana |
word | parola |
work | labora |
wound | feri |
writing | scrive |
year | anio |
THINGS - 200 Picturable words - COSAS - 200 parolas piturable
editaangle | angulo |
ant | formica |
apple | poma |
arch | arco |
arm | braso |
army | armada |
baby | bebe |
bag | saco |
ball | bal |
band | banda |
basin | bol |
basket | sesto |
bath | bania |
bed | leto |
bee | abea |
bell | campana (big), campaneta (small) |
berry | baca |
bird | avia |
blade | lama |
board | plance (plank), comite (committee) |
boat | barco |
bone | oso |
book | libro |
boot | bota |
bottle | botela |
box | caxa |
boy | fio |
brain | serebro |
brake | frena |
branch | ramo |
brick | brice |
bridge | ponte |
brush | brosa |
bucket | balde |
bulb | ampola |
button | boton |
cake | torta |
camera | camera |
card | carta |
cart | caro |
carriage | caro |
cat | gato |
chain | cadena |
cheese | ceso |
chest | peto (body part), comoda (furniture) |
chin | mento |
church | eglesa |
circle | sirculo |
clock | orolojo |
cloud | nube |
coat | jaca |
collar | colar |
comb | pena |
cord | corda |
cow | bove |
cup | tas (measurement), vitro (glass) |
curtain | cortina |
cushion | cuxin |
dog | can |
door | porta |
drain | drena |
drawer | caxeta |
dress | roba |
drop | gota |
ear | orea |
egg | ovo |
engine | motor |
eye | oio |
face | fas |
farm | ferme |
feather | pluma |
finger | dito |
fish | pex |
flag | bandera |
floor | solo |
fly | mosca |
foot | pede |
fork | force |
fowl | avia de ferme (farm bird), carne de avia (bird meat) |
frame | cuadro |
garden | jardin |
girl | fia |
glove | ganto |
goat | capra |
gun | fusil |
hair | capel |
hammer | martel |
hand | mano |
hat | xapo |
head | testa |
heart | cor |
hook | onca |
horn | trompa (musical), corno |
horse | cavalo |
hospital | ospital |
house | casa |
island | isola |
jewel | joala |
kettle | caldera |
key | clave |
knee | jeno |
knife | cotel |
knot | noda |
leaf | folia |
leg | gama |
library | biblioteca |
line | linia |
lip | labio |
lock | securador |
map | mapa |
match | fosfor (for starting fires), egali (similarity) |
monkey | simia |
moon | luna |
mouth | boca |
muscle | musculo |
nail | clo (fastener), ungia (on finger or toe) |
neck | colo |
needle | ago |
nerve | nervo |
net | rede |
nose | nas |
nut | torca |
office | ofisia |
orange | orania |
oven | forno |
parcel | paceta |
pen | pen |
pencil | peneta |
picture | imaje, depinta (painting), desinia (drawing) |
pig | porco |
pin | spino |
pipe | pipa (for smoking), tubo (tube) |
plane | plana (tool or flat surface), avion (airplane) |
plate | plato |
plough/plow | arado |
pox | |
pot | vaso |
potato | patata |
prison | prison |
pump | pompa |
rail | rel |
rat | rata |
receipt | resete (act of receiving), nota de resete (note acknowledging receipt) |
ring | anelo (circle), sona (sound) |
rod | cana |
roof | teto |
root | radis |
sail | vela |
school | scola |
scissors | sisor |
screw | vise |
seed | seme |
sheep | ovea |
shelf | bordo |
ship | barcon |
shirt | camisa |
shoe | sapato |
skin | pel |
skirt | falda |
snake | serpente |
sock | calseta |
spade | pala |
sponge | sponja |
spoon | culier |
spring | fonte (of water), mola (mechanical), primavera (season) |
square | cuadro (geometry), plaza (plaza) |
stamp | selo |
star | stela |
station | stasion |
stem | pede (of a glass), tronceta (of a plant) |
stick | baston |
stocking | calsa |
stomach | stomaco |
store | boteca |
street | strada |
sun | sol |
table | table |
tail | coda |
thread | filo (line), fibre (fiber, filament) |
throat | garga |
thumb | polise |
ticket | bilete |
toe | dito de pede |
tongue | lingua |
tooth | dente |
town | vila |
train | tren |
tray | platon |
tree | arbor |
trousers | pantalon |
umbrella | parapluve |
wall | muro |
watch | orolojo (timepiece), vijila (vigil) |
wheel | rota |
whip | flajelo |
whistle | sibila |
window | fenetra |
wing | alia |
wire | filo de fero |
worm | verme |
QUALITIES - 100 General - CUALIAS - 100 jeneral
editaable | capas |
acid | asida |
angry | coler |
automatic | automatica |
beautiful | bela |
black | negra |
boiling | bolinte |
bright | briliante |
broken | rompeda |
brown | brun |
cheap | barata |
chemical | cimical |
chief | xef |
clean | limpa |
clear | clara |
common | comun |
complex | complicada |
conscious | consense |
cut | corti |
deep | profonda |
dependent | dependente |
early | prematura |
elastic | elastica |
electric | eletrica |
equal | egal |
fat | obesa (obese) |
fertile | fecunda |
first | prima |
fixed | fisada (stuck in place), repareda (repaired) |
flat | plata |
free | libre |
frequent | frecuente |
full | plen |
general | jeneral |
good | bon |
great | eselente (excellent), grande (important) |
grey/gray | gris |
hanging | pendente |
happy | felis |
hard | dur |
healthy | sana |
high | alta |
hollow | caveta |
important | importante |
kind | amante (compassionate) |
like | como (similar to), valua, gusta, ama (feel positive about) |
living | vivente |
long | longa |
male | mas |
married | sposida |
material | material |
medical | medical |
military | militar |
natural | natural |
necessary | nesesada |
new | nova |
normal | normal |
open | abrida |
parallel | paralel |
past | pasada |
physical | fisical |
political | political |
poor | povre |
possible | posable |
present | presente |
private | privata |
probable | probable |
quick | pronto (soon), rapide (fast) |
quiet | cuieta |
ready | pronto, prepareda |
red | roja |
regular | regula |
responsible | respondente, cargada (charged with) |
right | coreta (correct), destra (direction), direto (directly) |
round | ronda |
same | mesma |
second | secondo (time), du (number two) |
separate | separeda (adjective) |
serious | seria |
sharp | acuta |
smooth | lisa |
sticky | aderente (adhesive), viscosa (gooey) |
stiff | rijida |
straight | direta (direct), reta (not bent) |
strong | forte |
sudden | subita |
sweet | dulse |
tall | alta |
thick | spesa |
tight | tensa |
tired | fatigada |
true | vera |
violent | violente |
waiting | espetante |
warm | tepida |
wet | moiada, umida (humid) |
wide | larga |
wise | saja |
yellow | jala |
young | joven |
QUALITIES - 50 Opposites - CUALIAS - 50 oposante
editaawake | veliada |
bad | mal |
bent | curvada |
bitter | amarga |
blue | azul (light blue), blu (dark blue) |
certain | serta |
cold | fria |
complete | completa |
cruel | cruel |
dark | oscuria |
dead | mor |
dear | cara |
delicate | delicata |
different | diferente |
dirty | bruta |
dry | seca |
false | false |
feeble | debil |
female | fema |
foolish | stupida |
future | futur |
green | verde |
ill | inferma |
last | ultima |
late | tarda |
left | sinistra |
loose | laxe |
loud | forte |
low | basa |
mixed | miscada |
narrow | streta |
old | vea |
opposite | contra, oposante |
public | publica |
rough | ru |
sad | triste |
safe | secura |
secret | secreta |
short | corta |
shut | cluir |
simple | simple |
slow | lenta |
small | poca |
soft | mol |
solid | solide |
special | spesial |
strange | strana |
thin | magra |
white | blanca |
wrong | falsa |
Linguas construida (lista) | ||
Linguas aidante internasional | adjuvilo • bolak • communicationssprache • engles basal • esperanto (esperantido) • esperanto 2 • esperanto reformida • globasa • glosa • idiom neutral • ido • intal • interglossa • interlingua • kah • kosmos • kotava • langue nouvelle • latinesce • latino sine flexione • lingua franca nova • lingua franca nuova • lingwa de planeta • lingwe uniwersala • mondial • mondlango • mundeze • mundolinco • mundolingue • neo • novial • occidental • ses • solresol • sona • spokil • tavo • universalglot • uropi • volapük • yolik | |
Linguas aidante zonal | afrihili • efatese • folkspraak • frenkisch • medjusloviansce • romániço • romanid • slovianto | |
Linguas esperimental | lincos • lojban • loglan • tocipona • voksigid | |
Linguas artal | aingeljã • dothraki • klingon • láadan • nadsat • quenya |